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Out and About

I have been out of town for almost half of September. Every five to six years we take a long family vacation which usually involves hiking. This year we went to the Grand Tetons National Park and stayed in Jackson Hole. Three of my four children made the trip and we put in more than 30 miles of hiking. My youngest daughter hiked every mile with us and ran a marathon on our first full day there. My son who is a law enforcement officer wrote on Facebook afterward that it was the first time he came back from vacation and had to tighten his belt. It was really like a fitness vacation with some wildlife thrown in to include both bull and cow moose, marmot and more.

Gulf Breeze Chamber looks for new home

Long a symbol of business growth on Highway 98 in the City of Gulf Breeze across from the Walmart Neighborhood Market, the Gulf Breeze Area Chamber of Commerce must start looking for a different location to make room for a new tenant.

Emergency officials keep Cold War vigilance

Although a nuclear attack on our area is far less likely than such natural catastrophes as hurricanes, Daniel Hahn has a plan to take cover in his house and use a large couch as a shield from gamma rays.

County passed up economic planning grant

Every year Santa Rosa officials apply for and win grants for hundreds of thousands of dollars from the state and federal governments, and they’re currently focused on gaining millions more as the county’s share of the BP oil spill settlement.

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