No girls basketball coach has been hired yet at Navarre, but Michaela Perrone is doing her best to keep the players involved in workouts over the summer.
Things got sensational at Navarre Library Friday as children with special needs participated in the first Sensational Summer Fun camp created by Sensational Friends, Inc.
It is with a heavy heart that I write this letter to you. Yesterday, I stated my position and had every intention of moving forward; however, Commissioner Williamson’s recent Facebook post demands an answer.
West Navarre Intermediate School students in Janet Bryan’s and Jessica Teague’s classes closed out the school year with a hands-on project to wow their parents.
A slap on the wrist is all County Commissioner and Chairman Rob Williamson will face for deciding to remove the temporary welcome signs placed at the foot of the Navarre Beach Causeway.
He once took a Chinese course at the University of West Florida. His ACT score is a 33. The military academies — Navy, Army, Air Force — along with Ivy League schools Princeton and Yale are showing interest in him.
After six weeks of round the clock monitoring, Gigi the loggerhead sea turtle has been declared healthy. She arrived home Friday at the Navarre Beach Sea Turtle Conservation Center (NBSTCC).