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Search Results for “navarre press

Snapper season extended in federal waters

Federal waters have been opened up to recreational fishermen in the Gulf of Mexico for a longer period of time thanks to the joint efforts of the United States Department of Commerce and the five Gulf states.

Insufficient funds for local events

Of the $2,398,948 collected last fiscal year in bed tax dollars in Santa Rosa County, the Tourist Development Office set aside $75,000 to use as grant money for local events that help promote tourism. A criterion was set that had to be met in order to qualify for the grant money.

HNWS blames customers for effluent problems

The failure of Holley-Navarre Water System to stay within its state-approved standard for disposing of treated wastewater is partly the fault of some homeowners who are improperly channeling stormwater  into sewers, according to the utility board’s president, Bien May.

HNWS nearing deal to add effluent disposal sites

Unable to stay with the state-approved standard for disposing of treated wastewater by spraying effluent on a golf course or piping it into ponds, Holley Navarre Water System is nearing a deal for a major expansion of disposal capacity.

Actions = Consequences 

In Monday’s county commission meeting, Commissioner and Chairman Rob Williamson put the other commissioners difficult position when he removed the signs from the causeway in the middle of the night Thursday. Quite clearly he undermined the board as expressed by both Lane Lynchard and Sam Parker. He failed to defend county staff for following through with what the board asked of them. He never apologized nor did he fully admit to the severity of what he had done. He villainized the board in an attempt to come out a hero amid the illegalities of his actions.

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