Tree lots packed with freshly cut evergreens have cropped up across Navarre this Christmas season, and chain stores like Lowes and Walmart have shipped in dozens of their own trees for sale.
The Lady Raiders played two of their toughest rivals this week with their unbeaten streak on the line. The Raider offense scored three times against each opponent and the defense allowed only one goal in the two games.
Navarre resident Eva Hale first visited Navarre from her native country of Sweden in 1988. “I had a niece and her family living here,” Hale said. “My brother and other members of my family had previously visited and I decided to see it for myself. I was hooked almost immediately. The people were friendly and the area was beautiful and warm. I traveled to other places in America, but I always came back to Navarre.”
Not all foreign mission work is about going to the poorest nations to feed the destitute. Not all mission trips require the missionaries to abandon modern conveniences like electricity and plumbing. Not all mission work is about meeting people’s basic needs.
Approximately 2,000 pounds of garbage were collected off Navarre Beach this year by volunteers each month, and despite tourist season coming to an end the garbage bag loads keep coming.
Practice starts with the players on Navarre’s boys soccer team running laps around the field. They follow that with pushups and situps and then run through a series of drills that involve running, weaving around obstacles and leaping over bars.