If you have been paying attention, over the past several months Navarre Press has been covering and reporting on all the ways for a Navarre downtown to develop. Quint Studer has been our resource because he knows better than anyone how to accomplish it. Even in this issue we write about it (see CivicCon story page –)
With resumes in hand, smiles on their faces and a determination to put their best foot forward in front of perspective employers, students walked from table to table meeting with employers Thursday morning at the Navarre High School job fair.
Kathleen Lancaster, wife to Major Joshua-Lee Lancaster of the 14th Weapons School at Hurlburt, is nominated for the Military Spouse of the Year award. She serves as a Key Spouse to her husband’s squadron and chairman of the patient advisory council at Hurlburt Field’s medical squadron.
Navarre head boys basketball coach Taf Bentley joked with a reporter after Thursday night’s showdown with Tate about potentially providing help on defense.
Phase III of the Florida Artificial Reef Creation and Restoration project continues and bid solicitation has been finalized for a near-shore fishing and diving reef off Navarre Beach.