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Search Results for “navarre press

Out and About

You may have noticed driving down 98 in Navarre – and west of Navarre, there is a lot of building going on which means that people are investing in our area. Across from The Sound at Navarre – the 250-unit luxury apartment homes, you can see the excavators getting ready for the new Walmart Neighborhood store. This will also have an outparcel for a fast food location which is yet to be determined. On the corner of Lowe Road, there is an assisted living facility that we reported on in July. Farther west towards Gulf Breeze, you will see The Reserve completing their additional apartment homes.  Sacred Heart is working on the reported-on clinic at Tiger Point and then there is a Sacred Heart Pediatric facility going in just west of Panera.  You can read about several of the projects mentioned above on page 1B.

Pier partners are worlds apart

The lawsuit filed last week by Scott Rayner against Stephanie Maddox, his partner in the company that manages the Navarre Beach Pier, has prompted Maddox to form a separate business and has asked for a review of their split by county officials.

Funds lacking to scuttle area septic tanks

The goal of converting the thousands of residential septic tanks in south Santa Rosa to more environmentally friendly sewer systems is widely embraced by elected officials, water utilities directors and the Florida Department of Health.

Beach pier partners to face off in court

Scott Rayner and Stephanie Maddox have long presented a public image as shoulder-to-shoulder allies in managing the Navarre Beach Pier through everything from financial woes to cleaning up vandalized restrooms.

Teachers union wants review of substitute hiring

Questions are being raised about the background checking practices of an outside vendor in the hiring of the 1,000 or so substitute teachers needed weekly to plug absences in the Santa Rosa School District.

Will economy take a hit from jobs freeze?

In a presidential memorandum released Jan. 23, President Trump ordered a freeze on the hiring of Federal civilian employees. The order said no vacant positions existing at noon Jan. 22 may be filled and no new positions could be created, except in limited circumstances. The memo clearly excluded all military personnel and it went further to exempt any positions that are deemed necessary to meet national security or public safety responsibilities.

New location for beach condos proposed

The developers behind an unpopular plan to build condominiums in Navarre Beach Marine Park have told Santa Rosa officials they are willing to swap that private property for a less controversial parcel outside the park.

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