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Apr 27, 2017
Lost: “no longer possessed; retained,” and “having gone astray or missed the way.” Based on recent comments regarding storm water projects related to the Local Option Sales Tax revenue tentative projects’ list, it seems District 4 Commissioner Rob Williamson is lost on the L.O.S.T.

Apr 27, 2017
The growth in solar power generation has nothing to do with science or real economics and everything to do with misguided “feel good” efforts by self-acclaimed environmentalists. 

Apr 13, 2017
A scientist, Harold Hill, authored “From God To You By Way of The Zoo.” How sad some actually believe they came therefrom!.

Mar 30, 2017
When Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt was kicked out of the Navy for praying “In Jesus’ Name,” the name above all others, little did it know God had bigger plans for him. Satan’s goal, to shut mouths about Jesus, failed because God’s specialty of meaning for good what Satan meant for evil, happened!

Mar 30, 2017
I moved to Navarre in 1994.  At that time there were just two schools, one grocery store, one hotel, two hardware stores, a drugstore, a bank, some real estate offices, a handful of fast-food eateries, a doughnut shop and a couple of sit-down restaurants. The tiny post office was in Sand Dollar Plaza and the library shared space with a church in a small community building.  Driving to Fort Walton Beach or Pensacola took only 30 minutes, regardless of the time of day. Aside from the Hidden Creek Golf Course, there were no recreational sports fields, liquor stores or even a sheriff’s office.  Most of our community leaders were (and still are) in the banking, building or real estate business who held fast to their conservative values of low taxes and individual property rights.

Mar 23, 2017
Shame on vandals targeting Jewish cemeteries, community centers and day schools. Trump should have/did condemn that hate/evil!

Mar 23, 2017
Our school board has a special single issue item scheduled for a vote March 28. You are being asked to continue for 10 years a one/half cent sales tax to be used by the School Board at their discretion.

Mar 9, 2017
The $650 million replacement Pensacola Bay Bridge as proposed would not permit the current or anticipated traffic flow to pass between Pensacola and Gulf Breeze, or Pensacola Beach, any faster than the current Bridge.

Mar 9, 2017
In a recent column your publisher claimed that the Navarre Press was unbiased and then called out several other major news outlets for not positively reporting on the “Trump Bump” in the stock market.

Mar 9, 2017
Why is tweaking “Obamacare” not an option? Because it violates “We the People’s” right of choice given to us in our Constitution!
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