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Jun 23, 2016

Our hard-earned tax money means nothing to the commissioners

So, an answer concerning the $80,000-plus of taxpayers’ money spent/given to the for-profit Tough Mudder event in April yields no return to the taxpayers. But a bright note, Commissioner Bob Cole thinks the taxpayers may have recouped the monies by the sales of Cokes and peanut butter crackers, really? And we have Rob Williamson who pushed the tax money payment to Tough Mudder. Rob Williamson, like a 10 year old, thinks money grows on trees. Rob Williamson doesn’t realize how hard people work for their money. There hasn’t been one tax proposal that Rob Williamson hasn’t voted for. 

Jun 16, 2016

Save Navarre Beach Marine Park!

A development company is planning to build a housing complex on a 5.74-acre privately owned parcel in the middle of the county-owned Navarre Beach Marine Park!  The parcel is currently zoned commercial which would allow a marina to be built but developers want to construct 134 residential units consisting of four 4-story buildings and two 6-story buildings on the property 150 feet from the Sound located in the middleof the four pavilions in Navarre Beach Marine Park east of Navarre Bridge on the barrier island.

Jun 16, 2016

Proposed beach condos need further review

The developer of the proposed 134 condominium units in East Park has a background that needs further review and would he disclose to potential buyers that treated sewage goes into the Sound?  Some people want the new condominiums for more taxes and revenue but remember, it really costs taxpayers when people who aren’t the most qualified are managing money and projects on our behalf. Someone answered questions concerning additional traffic over the bridge with adding a toll – great. We in Navarre don’t need the problems of condos in the public East Park. Don’t forget we are already saddled with Rob Williamson who isn’t the brightest bulb in the pack.

Jun 9, 2016

Leash laws worthless if not enforced

What is the reason for having a leash law in the area if it is not enforced? We have called Animal Control five times and the Sheriff’s Office one time and have been told nothing can be done by either groups. We are both too old to be fighting off pit bulls. I will bet if one of us gets bitten then something will be done. That will be a lot too late. Anyone have any suggestions?

Jun 9, 2016

Questionable decision during heat duress

I would really like to know why the leadership of the Navarre High School NJROTC unit disregarded the EMS advice to put all the children under shade after approximately 20 of them were affected by the hot temperatures during the  May 30, 2016 Memorial Day activities. This really concerns me as a father of one of the children that was affected by this, especially when I heard that the captain told the EMS, “No, only one at a time can go in the shade.”

Jun 9, 2016

What about the courthouse site costing millions less?

Santa Rosa County commissioners are trying to sell the public on tax increases for the courthouse hoping for a low turnout in August (their words, not mine). This meaning Milton voters say “yes” to a building in a flood zone (presumably on pontoons) and voters in the southern part of the county will stay home. The May 26, 2016 issue of Navarre Press said 65 percent of voters in 2014 said “No” to that site. Suddenly, the cost has dropped from $50 million to $35 million. Don’t worry ‘cost overruns’ will get it to $50 million.

Jun 7, 2016

Above and beyond the call…

I am writing to publicly thank Lieutenant Chris Phelps of the Midway Fire Department along with firemen Alverter, Moore and Ward.  They answered a call for my father, Harry Adams, 97, who had fallen.  They were especially kind and helpful to both of my parents and spoke to my dad regarding his service in the Army during WWII, even taking a picture with him and his medals.  But there’s more.  A few days later, my parents received a note from Lt. Phelps (also signed by the others) not only saying they hoped he was well, but also wishing him happy birthday and thanking him for his service!  How sweet, compassionate and thoughtful.  So, thank you Lt. Phelps and your crew.  Your service is also appreciated.

May 26, 2016

Pay tribute to our fallen on Memorial Day

Memorial Day is widely heralded as the unofficial start of summer.  Here on the Emerald Coast it signals the beginning of our busy tourist season, with condos booked, hotel rooms rented, beach supplies at the ready, and the mouth-watering aroma of food being cooked on a grill.  This time of year is unmistakable and really puts us in the celebratory mood.  But before you celebrate, and there will be time for that on this Memorial Day, before the cookouts, beach parties and other events you have planned, take a moment to reflect on the many lives that have been sacrificed so willingly by our selfless men and women in uniform.  This day is about remembrance and honor for those who have died.  It certainly doesn’t mean you can’t have fun on Memorial Day or enjoy your three- or four-day weekend.   Just take a moment to pause and remember the reason for the occasion.

May 26, 2016


Has our education system failed us? How can a Socialist acquire such a youthful following as Sen. Bernie Sanders?  Could it be explained as revulsion to a candidate that is unaccomplished and deceitful? I am afraid the blame is with the education system. A system that does not teach civics, economics, world history and the U.S. Constitution are the blame. The Founders studied all prior types of governments and developed a governmental system of checks and balances which protected the system from emotional responses to problems. Historically, all democracies have failed when the citizenry discovers they can receive an unending list of benefits.

May 19, 2016

More to renourishment than just adding sand

Navarre Beach renourishment has gotten quite a bit of good press lately. People have said how it can be educational and a tourist draw because of the shells that get pumped up with the sand. But it can also be educational for the harm it does.
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