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May 5, 2016

Renourishment tax not equitable nor justifiable

On Mother’s Day and the ninth day of beach renourishment at about 2 p.m., we were returning to our residence on Navarre Beach. Turning onto the causeway, we observed many visitors at the reopening of the Butterfly House. Traffic was very heavy at the intersection but moving. We slowed to 20 mph and watched the skimmers and terns in the nesting areas.

May 5, 2016

A small sign for small town Navarre

I, and many other residents of Navarre, wonder why there is such a small sign identifying our little piece of paradise here on the Gulf Coast. The signs are not only small (compared to the one up in Holley) but they are placed way inside the town of Navarre.

May 5, 2016

The Courthouse is not a palace

Do we need a new tax to fund another disposable courthouse? The county says the 90-year-old structure is too small, has security issues, lacks parking, has inadequate heating/cooling and needs telephone and computer network upgrades. While these may be valid issues, they hardly require a new courthouse.

May 5, 2016

Don’t waste taxpayer money

A suggestion for the Court House. There have been two new Court Houses built in our area. Santa Rosa County has an engineer on staff. Send the engineer to the new Court Houses and have him inspect them, review the quality of the work, determine which is the most economical to run/maintain, obtain a copy of the building plans, names of the contractors, the COST of the buildings and after determining which one would be the best fit for building in Milton, build it!  We don’t have to reinvent the wheel and waste taxpayers’ money on studies. The county already paid three times the value of property needed for the New Court House instead of just compensation and using the right of eminent domain. Also, Mr. Lynchard has to make sure Rob Williamson does not get involved with the Project because he has shown the continued ability to make bad decisions.

Apr 28, 2016

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Nearly 1 in 5 women and 1 in 71 men are victims of rape (Black et al., 2011). But all of us are impacted by sexual violence. That’s because sexual violence affects communities and society — in addition to survivors and their loved ones. Because of this, it’s on all of us to help prevent it.

Apr 21, 2016

Rate Increase

Surprise, Surprise! According to the 4-7-2016 issue of the NAVARRE PRESS (thank you), members of the water system are being hit with a 17.5% rate increase.

Apr 21, 2016

Commissioners: Display fiscal responsibility

I would like to applaud the residents of Santa Rosa County who attended the recent meeting with the Santa Rosa County Commissioners to express their displeasure at the proposed 10-year penny increase in sales tax, reportedly to cover the new courthouse, roads, sidewalks and storm drainage. I couldn’t agree more with those residents.  It just boggles the mind how obtuse these commissioners think ‘we the people’ are. Another tactic of smoke and mirrors from our illustrious commissioners (see land purchase of Industrial Park @ I-10).  Another insult to the intelligence of the taxpayers of Santa Rosa County. 

Apr 7, 2016

Something fishy at the Pier

I bought a fishing pass for $100. My wife bought a walking pass for $60. Some friends of ours complained that they either forgot or lost their pass.  When they tell the people at the office window that they lost or forgot it, they are told the Pier keeps No Records of passes that were sold.  These people either have to pay again or go back home to get it.  It happened to me.

Apr 7, 2016

To The Editor,

Maybe you stash ‘em in the pantry, maybe you hide ‘em under your sink; regardless of where you keep them, when you can’t stuff anymore in, you decide to throw them away. We all have them: plastic shopping bags. Plastic bags are extremely detrimental to our environment along the Gulf Coast, as they can never decompose. 

Apr 7, 2016

County seeks recreational use of Holley OLF

I hope and pray it takes years for the Navy to give it up.  Long after I’m “pushing up the daisies, not smelling them”.  I doubt the residents of the numerous streets off Pepper Drive (as we are) would appreciate the present tranquility taken away.
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