Letters to the Editor Archive
Mar 29, 2018
How do you know?
Does society have people that conspire against another person or persons to get a desired result? In the 2012 elections Harry Reid said Mitt Romney didn’t pay his taxes creating a false type of democrat conspiracy which Harry later admitted it (a lie) was used to re-elect Obama. Obama was caught on an open mic saying […]
Mar 29, 2018
Blessed with excellent care at Santa Rosa Medical
Little did I realize when recruited as a volunteer to get us a new hospital how blessed I would be to receive excellent care at SRMC more than once!
Mar 29, 2018
Thanks for your service Mayor Ashton Hayward
The citizens of Pensacola and the surrounding area had no clue that Mayor Ashton Hayward would announce March 21 his intention not to run for a third term this fall. Hayward had been employed as a model in South Florida before deciding to go into politics. He ran to be a “strong” mayor for Pensacola, and was successful.
Mar 22, 2018
Robbie Williamson’s campaign money
We all know the reason behind campaign money. But the real question should be, what has Robbie done to save tax payers money? Robbie gave the Mudders event $80,000 of taxpayers money to come to Santa Rosa County but three neighboring states didn’t give a penny of taxpayers money to the Mudders event held in their states. What was Robbie thinking? I’ve asked Robbie but he won’t answer me. This is just one example of Robbie wasting tax payers money.
Mar 22, 2018
Love and forgiveness this Easter
While the anti-Christian element is alive and well, so is Jesus Christ! Christians will be celebrating the Risen Savior at Easter, Praise God!
Mar 22, 2018
Past behavior can indicate future violence
Based on evidence from probability studies, the belief that mentally ill persons are especially prone to perpetrating violence is a fallacy. The mentally ill are less likely to be perpetrators of violence than the victims of it. Only a small percentage of mentally ill persons are violent.
Mar 8, 2018
Thank God for the Faith and Freedom Coalition (F & F)!
Some successes include registering more than 2.5 million new Christian voters – 81% of whom voted for President Trump.
Mar 1, 2018
Pence and Trump are two peas in same pod
After watching the beautiful opening ceremonies for the winter Olympics, I was annoyed by Vice President Mike Pence’s refusal to stand when the combined Korea team entered the stadium.
Feb 22, 2018
Backward glance at New Deal
My life started in 1926 while Calvin Coolidge was President of the United States. In 1929 Wall Street crashed causing America to plunge into a severe economic crisis. Then came the beginning of the Great Depression.
Feb 22, 2018
Chrys Holley Letter to Editor
Already 18 school shootings this year. Sad indeed! How many guns were found at schools; how many arrests were there?