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Nov 30, 2020

The Navarre Press asked readers to tell us what they are thankful for this year. Here’s a sampling of our favorites.

‘I am grateful for many things’

That my youngest daughter graduated college (ceremony and all) in December, before the lockdowns.
That despite having to cancel a trip to NYC (with my daughters) and a dream trip to Italy (birthplace of my grandparents), that our family was lucky enough to have gone to Alaska and France the last two years. Great trips.

Jun 28, 2018
Have you had enough? Every issue is politicalized and discussed with emotion instead of logic. In many cases, the discussion is simply a lie. If a lie is repeated enough times, uninformed people begin to believe the lie.

Jun 21, 2018
Have you had enough? Every issue is politicalized and discussed with emotion instead of logic. In many cases, the discussion is simply a lie. If a lie is repeated enough times, uninformed people begin to believe the lie.

Jun 21, 2018
Good for President Trump’s Celebration of America instead of hosting NFL members whose leadership condones anti-Trump, American, and government activity on company time! No employee on their job could get away with that! So the Eagles didn’t genuflect. They’re still NFL members.

Jun 14, 2018
Gov. Rick Scott, Christian Bax (Department of Health) and Pamela Bondi are refusing to obey the law and are doing everything possible to obstruct and deny the will of 72 percent of Florida voters’ mandate.

Jun 14, 2018
A syndicated article that you ran in your Senior section (“AARP Join or not?” March 22, 2018, page 11B) has moved me to comment.

May 31, 2018
Meditating on the true meaning of Memorial Day, not on planned activities, I was delighted to read an article on “American Black Patriots.” The bios of Salem Poor, Crispus Attucks, James Armistead, and the Black Regiment blessed me. Two of them were from New England, my birthplace.

May 31, 2018
Rep. Matt Gaetz’s calls for the removal of Robert Mueller have greatly incited his opposition. There is a lot of confusion surrounding the special investigation. With 18 years of experience in the department of defense, I’m familiar with what it means to follow the rule of law. The authority, scope, and staff of Mueller would indicate he is acting as a principal officer, and as such his appointment violated Executive power outlined in the Constitution. Put up against what the constitution states, it would appear that Mueller’s appointment does indeed conflict with the rule of law. Matt Gaetz has it right. I am grateful my congressman is not swayed by the court of public opinion and stands for the constitution.

May 31, 2018
I commend Rep. Matt Gaetz for advocating Americanism here in Northwest Florida. I find this refreshing. Too many politicians today only talk about themselves and fail to talk about defending the Constitution and American ideals which have made our country great. However, Rep. Matt Gaetz is proud to represent the same American ideals such as patriotism, conservatism, and personal responsibility as I personally promote in my high school and community.

May 24, 2018
American volunteers are helping to make a better life for all of us. Why is my birth place of Tennessee known as the Volunteer State? Tennessee has had several nicknames, but the most popular is “The Volunteer State.” The nickname originated during the War of 1812, in which the volunteer soldiers from Tennessee, serving under Gen. Andrew Jackson, displayed marked valor in the Battle of New Orleans.
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