The Navarre High School Junior ROTC made a major donation to the Relay for Life committee April 27, handing a check over for $10,000 that will help in the fight against cancer.
It doesn’t sound competitive as say a football game or a basketball game, but don’t think for a moment that being a part of the Navy Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps Academic team at Navarre High School isn’t about fierce competition.
Although the planned new bridge across Pensacola Bay has a budget of more than $450 million, there aren’t any plans for signage that points the way to Navarre Beach from the revamped northwestern gateway to Santa Rosa County.
At its March 28 board meeting, the Holley-Navarre Water System board of directors voted to raise water rates to customers by 17.5 percent. The vote came at a rescheduled meeting of the board with only one member of the public in attendance.
As the apartment complexes are constructed on the side of Highway 98 and rooftops begin to multiply in the area, citizens of Navarre have high hopes for the future of the area. New neighbors and businesses are almost always a welcome facet to any community. In fact, according to the recent retail market power analysis for Navarre, supplied by the Nielsen Company, Navarre has one of the most favorable markets in the county for business opportunities. According to the data, there are many industry gaps whereby the supply in Navarre does not meet the demand, which means Navarre money is being spent out of the area. These gaps represent opportunities for businesses wishing to set up shop in the area.
One bad inning proved to be a deciding factor in Navarre’s softball game against Pine Forest March 16.
The Raiders gave up five runs in the opening inning and were unable to recover in a 5-2 loss to the Eagles, their two-game win streak ending in the process.
In recent years, with budget cuts in federal and state education programs, music and art are subjects which have experienced financial downsizing. In fact, during times with slim funds, many elementary and secondary schools cease to teach these subjects altogether in their classrooms. According to a study conducted and released by the U.S. Department of Education in 2012, more than 1.3 million elementary school students did not receive musical education in schools. In addition, nearly 4 million did not receive visual art classes within their school curriculums.
It isn’t uncommon to hear an athlete thank God for his or her success in sports or to see athletes from both teams gather together for a prayer circle after a game.