Santa Rosa County District Schools recently announced that Navarre High School will see the addition of three new assistant principals for the upcoming 2022-2023 school year.
On May 18, it was announced that Culver’s was taking ‘Wisconsin’ on the road in the form of a food truck tour that would be stopping at various locations across the United States.
Young athletes cheer on each other as they launch up shots at the basket last Wednesday morning. Every time the ball goes in, the player gets to pick up a cone and move to the next spot on the court.
The energy is undeniable. The fun is, too, as 60 basketball players take part in the final day of the Navarre Raider hoops camp.
In May, the 374th Maintenance Squadron, Yokota Air Base, Tokyo, Japan, said goodbye to Lt. Col. Anthony Tuero (left) and welcomed their new commander, Maj. David Perkins of Navarre, Fl.
Student-athletes have a lot on their plate. The combination of school, sports, maintaining a social life and the added dynamic of social media can take their pressure to another level.
For some, a tragic breaking point is reached. Already this year, five college athletes have died by suicide.
Ariana Rice moved from Georgia to Florida when she was younger, and because she was now in a military area, her mindset on what the future held for her soon changed.
Rice joined the Navarre Navy Junior ROTC program in high school and that propelled her in a direction she never imagined her life would go.
The Navarre Garden Club has been hosting flower shows since the mid-1970s. The shows were started by Martha Pullum, the wife of the late Bill Pullum, in 1975. Martha was the first Flower Show Chair of the Navarre Garden Club.
Over the past few months, the Holley Navarre Water System has been trying to take the Eglin RIBS Project from an idea to reality.
The Eglin RIBS Project, also known as the Eglin Reuse Project, aims to use sites on Eglin property to get rid of treated wastewater, or effluent, and further filter it through natural processes.
Traffic has long been a headache for Navarre residents, especially those who live on or visit Navarre Beach. To alleviate this issue, traffic lights have been installed on Navarre Beach.
The traffic lights stand at the corners of Gulf Blvd. and Navarre Causeway.