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County officials encourage local voters to get out to the polls

The right to vote, one of the most important features of American history and culture, has been a revered and even coveted privilege amongst the American people. The action of a cast ballot has helped to create and shape the United States of America since its inception. Hand-in-hand with our other constitutional rights, the right to vote has helped assure freedom to America and its citizens. However, this right, like so many others, only goes as far as the people are willing to exercise it.

Ex-Navy sniper aims to help other vets

Kevin Lacz, a former Navy SEAL who played himself in the 2014 hit movie “American Sniper,” now lives in Navarre and, with his wife Lindsey, is the heart and soul of a new veterans outreach effort.

Grant request may inflate Tough Mudder’s benefit

Every hotel and motel room in Santa Rosa County would have to be filled for an entire week in April by Tough Mudder enthusiasts to achieve the economic impact of the two-day event as estimated in a request for state funding filed by the Tourist Development Office.

Out and About

This weekend starts the Mardi Gras festivities in Navarre.   Friday night Juana’s will have a Mardi Gras Glow Party beginning at 9 p.m. and $5 gets you “Glow Bling.”  For more information, see their ad in this issue.  Don’t miss the after-parade party at Juana’s.

Black Hawk Memorial groundbreaking set

Shortly after the training crash of a UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter into the waters of the Navarre sound on March 10, the Leadership Santa Rosa Class 29 began planning a memorial project in memory of the 11 service members killed.  The Navarre Black Hawk Memorial is projected to cost nearly $100,000 and will be placed to the left of the large pavilion in Navarre Park.

Hall receives Legend’s Award at banquet

On Jan. 15, the Navarre Beach Area Chamber of Commerce held its annual Awards and Installation Banquet at the Soundside at Hurlburt Field to honor outstanding members and install a new board of directors.  The new Chamber President and CEO, Judy Morehead was the evening’s emcee.

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