The Santa Rosa Board of County Commissioners, though goaded by a dozen angry and often belligerent citizens, declined to fire County Administrator Dan Schebler at its May 11 meeting.
Employees aren’t allowed to officially tell you anything inside the store, but the sign on the front windows says it all: Winn-Dixie in Navarre is reopening this month.
Social media photos of families lined up at an ice cream truck on Navarre Beach Saturday sparked questions about whether the truck was allowed to sell in a publicly owned parking lot.
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It’s hard to imagine a small business owner getting bigger news than a $50,000 check in the mail. But the possibility of finalizing the purchase of the historical Imogene Theater in downtown Milton tops that.
A quartet of Gulf Breeze business owners say they are sitting down next week to hopefully finalize the purchase of the 8,000-square-foot theater that dates back more than 100 years.