An update on how two big summer events fared on Navarre Beach led to a lengthy conversation at Thursday’s Tourist Development Council meeting about “disgusting” bathrooms.
With the Board of County Commissioners and Santa Rosa Tourist Development Council behind the City of Milton’s vision, a new Milton Riverwalk Park may begin.
Bed tax collections for Santa Rosa County neared the $1 million mark for the first time in July, totaling $951.059, according to information released this week.
I know I’m not alone in breathing a sigh of relief that Hurricane Ida swept so far west of us however, we have a lot of visitors here from Louisiana that don’t know what they are going home to.
Trash wars continue in the south end of the county – at least in the court of public opinion.
Adams Sanitation, which provides service in the north end of the county, has been dialing up south end residents about their right to receive Adams service here and promising to start that Oct. 1, with or without county permission.
After Adams Sanitation appealed its denied permit to collect waste in South Santa Rosa, a quasi-judicial hearing was scheduled for Sept. 9, but the interim county administrator has informed Adams’ legal counsel that the hearing has been canceled.
IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR SANTA ROSA COUNTY, FLORIDA HOLLEY BY THE SEA IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION INC., a Florida not-for-profit corporation, Plaintiff, CASE NO.: 2018-CC-001274 vs. RENEE G. JOHNSON, TRUSTEE OF THE RENEE G. JOHNSON TRUST, et al., Defendants. ____________________________________________ / *Publish in Navarre Press RE-NOTICE […]
NOTICE OF CHANGE OF LAND USE AND INTENT TO CONSIDER AN ORDINANCE The Santa Rosa County Zoning Board and Board of County Commissioners will conduct public hearings to consider a change of land use and/or rezoning of land areas depicted on the maps within this advertisement. The hearings are scheduled as follows: Zoning Board (to […]