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For God’s Sake, Opinion

For God’s Sake

| Michael Bannon
Independence is a word cherished by most in this country. On July 4, 1776, the United States of America officially declared its independence from Great Britain. My home country of Canada was not officially declared independent until 1982!
Michael Bannon Headshot
Michael Bannon Headshot

Independence is also a desired goal in the maturing process. Attentive parents carefully nurture their children toward mature adulthood and the independence that typically accompanies it. The infant that once was so dependent on his parents, grows up, takes hold of his independence to make his own way in the world.

But there is one relationship where pursuing independence is not wise. Every living being is, by nature, dependent on God. The Apostle Paul, in his address to the philosophers on Mars Hill, stated, “The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by man, nor is he served by human hands, as though he needed anything, since he himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything.” Two foundational truths reside in that text of Scripture. First, God alone is independent; he owes his existence to no one, nor does he need anything from anyone to continue to exist. Second, all creation is inexorably dependent on God, “who made the world and everything in it.” We human beings exist because of him.

Our sin nature props up the illusion of independence from God, and the illicit practice it engenders is carried out as if God did not exist. The first fraudulent declaration of independence was made by the tempter to Eve in the garden. He convinced her that God put that one commandment before her and her husband to prevent them from becoming like God. Mankind remains in that lie’s embrace unconvinced of any dependence on God.

Science, we claim, has proven our independence from any idea of God, yet science has no answer for how something has come into existence from nothing. This uncomfortable truth threatens our perceived independence, so we dismiss it as unintellectual and continue to swagger about as independents.

It is only in Christ that our sin-darkened foolish minds are illumined to the truth of our dependence. God, according to his own will, for his own glory, regenerates the sinner, opening his eyes to the truth and granting him the faith to trust in it. That once self-proclaimed independent gladly embraces that truth of his dependence and rejoices in it knowing that his dependence on God is safety and surety in life.

So, whereas the desired goal of physical maturity is independence from parents, the desired goal of spiritual maturity is a greater awareness of our dependence on God and to live according to it. Recognizing our dependence on him, we begin to seek and to do his will for his glory.

At the church where I am pastor, we say, “we are gladly a God-dependent people.” What better place to be than under the faithful care of our sovereign God. Amen!

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