Letter: Citizen blames ‘THAT’ commissioner for turning meetings into a circus
We all see it and have seen it for well over a year.
The Santa Rosa County BOCC 5 ring circus. We see a concerted effort by THAT commissioner and his not so merry band to literally suppress and deny citizens First Amendment right to free speech.
Out and About
“Neither Rain, Nor Sleet, Nor Dark Of Night Shall Stay These Couriers From The Swift Completion Of Their Appointed Rounds.”
In case you don’t recognize that, you have just read what many of us think of as the postman’s oath.
Editorial: Concerned about our county
Over the 21-plus years Navarre Press has been covering Santa Rosa County, there have been many challenging times. We have reported on damaging hurricanes, a recession and legal battles that have divided elected officials and residents.
But it seemed we were on a good path heading into 2021. The Board of County Commissioners had a mix of experience and new perspectives, the staff had a strong leader in County Administrator Dan Schebler and county growth was encouraging.
Brian Out Loud
More than seven hours from home on a Monday night in early May, I’m in Port Orange covering a regional championship flag football game.
Navarre is on the brink of school history and makes it happen in a thrilling 19-13 come-from-behind win over Spruce Creek to punch a ticket to state for the first time.
Letter: County violates employee confidentiality by releasing records
It is possible to master fear
How would Jesus have fared on social media? Not well, speculates one pastor
I have great neighbors. What makes my neighbors so great?
Well, for one, mine are willing to take the time to talk. A book I read on building community within a church congregation noted how the garage door is closer to the street than is the front door.
Railroad vine makes a long trip to establish colorful presence along coasts
Until relatively recently, traveling any distance was an arduous and difficult process. The problems compounded if there was a large baggage load.
Initially, there were two obvious options for coastal residents. A cart or wagon pulled, hopefully by a beast of burden, as the first choice and a boat or ship as the second option.
Out and About
The ongoing business of Santa Rosa County continues to engage, infuriate and inspire residents, sometimes all at the same time.
In a move that maddens some and pleases others, commissioners agreed last week to put a time limit on their meetings, which means putting a time limit on public forum.
For God’s Sake: Being like a Berean perhaps more important today than ever
I have a pet peeve. I get rankled when I see in print “apostrophe-s” to indicate possession in nouns ending in “s.”
Allow me to illustrate: writing “Jesus’s disciples,” as opposed to “Jesus’ disciples.” The former requires an awkward pronunciation, something like “Jesusses.”