Prepare for birds to make their way south
Twenty years later we still remember 9/11
It doesn’t really matter where I was 20 years ago Saturday, because I wasn’t in the Twin Towers or the Pentagon or flying over Pennsylvania.
But any American old enough to remember that day, remembers where they were when they heard what was happening, when they saw the images on television.
For God’s Sake: Beauty of the gospel is that Jesus measured up for us
My wife and I just returned from two restful weeks in rural Indiana. For the first time in years, we made the trip by air, flying out of the Destin-Fort Walton Beach airport.
On our departure day, the airline sent a notice encouraging us to arrive 2.5 hours early. Not a problem, we were packed and ready, and our ride picked us up on schedule.
Out and About
Afghan extraction not a success
According to President Biden, the U.S. extraction from Afghanistan was a huge success. A large number of Afghans (120K) was removed by the airlift.
At least half of them deserve our help.
Brian Out Loud
In some ways the high school football world mirrors the current state of the job market in this country.
While there isn’t pay involved, a need to go to an open interview, or even a sign-on bonus available, there is an opportunity for teams to fill a void if they happen to have one.
Walnut trees have what they need to survive in the wild
A precious reminder that other worlds exist
Out and About
Resident offers kudos to school district
Our residence is on one of the main access streets for the new East Bay K-8 school.
I want to compliment the school organization for whatever system they have devised to receive and discharge their students.