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Letters to the Editor, Opinion

County decision-makers need to pay attention

| Staff Reporters
We were horrified to hear that discussions are underway regarding the development of 80-plus acres of land off of Navarre Parkway.

Andrew J. McCreary, Trustee is listed as the owner – the same Andrew McCreary who sold property (containing an undisclosed landfill) to Jeff and Abbey Rodamaker on Ocean Breeze Lane in Gulf Breeze.

The County has wonderful tools at their fingertips. We have used those tools to show why we are concerned about the overdevelopment of questionable property, involving wetlands, potentially sending additional construction runoff into the Santa Rosa Sound, in a flood-prone high density area with pre-existing congested traffic conditions and in close proximity to other recently approved developments.

Liz Pavelick
Communications Director
Save Our Soundside

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