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Sep 8, 2021

In some ways the high school football world mirrors the current state of the job market in this country.

While there isn’t pay involved, a need to go to an open interview, or even a sign-on bonus available, there is an opportunity for teams to fill a void if they happen to have one.

Sep 7, 2021
Juglans nigra, as black walnuts are botanically identified, is a native tree with a variety of features and uses valued by humanity. The southern range of this tree is the non-coastal zones in counties of north Florida and is not adapted to coastal environs with sandy alkaline soils. It grows in the wild and planted […]

Sep 3, 2021
Last week, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Brian D. Rucker of Milton who knows everything – and I mean everything – about the history of this area and, really, the entire Panhandle. It was fascinating.

Sep 1, 2021
I know I’m not alone in breathing a sigh of relief that Hurricane Ida swept so far west of us however, we have a lot of visitors here from Louisiana that don’t know what they are going home to.

Sep 1, 2021

Our residence is on one of the main access streets for the new East Bay K-8 school.

I want to compliment the school organization for whatever system they have devised to receive and discharge their students.

Sep 1, 2021

Trash wars continue in the south end of the county – at least in the court of public opinion.

Adams Sanitation, which provides service in the north end of the county, has been dialing up south end residents about their right to receive Adams service here and promising to start that Oct. 1, with or without county permission.

Sep 1, 2021
“These two are the most married people I know!” said a relative as she hoisted her glass of champagne in a toast at the reception. It was the couple’s third wedding ceremony! Why three ceremonies?

Aug 31, 2021

I feel at times as if I’m dodging bullets doing my job amid the COVID-19 pandemic, wondering if I’ve been exposed and torn at times on when to wear my mask in a sports setting and when I’m good without one.

For the record, I’ve been vaccinated, and there was a time not too long ago where worries of the pandemic had faded away shortly after that vaccination. Our country seemed to be moving in the right direction.

Aug 25, 2021

I hope to be much older still before I’m done, but I have already lived long enough to hold several worlds in my hands.

First, there was my childhood, where we played outside, slapped at mosquitoes and ran freely back and forth to neighbors’ houses without our parents worrying if we would make it there safely.

Aug 25, 2021

As I write this, my wife and I are preparing to leave for Indiana for a two-week vacation visiting family.

Our goal is to eat lots of vine-ripened tomatoes and sweet corn, and at least one pork tenderloin sandwich.

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