Passion flower is obsession of Gulf fritillary
In contemporary Santa Rosa County, there are some colorful native insect residents which have a desire for specific plants. Monarch butterflies are one species, but another is the Gulf fritillary.
The object of the Gulf fritillary’s dining obsession is the passion flower.
Out and About
Businesses help the communities around them in ways most of us don’t realize and could never have imagined.
For example, when a dump truck and car collided Tuesday morning on U.S. Highway 98 in Gulf Breeze, both drivers were injured and the highway was blocked not just by the damaged vehicles, but by 20 cubic yards of dirt that the truck had been carrying.
Set aside fears, help save fellow Americans
Beyond the pandemic: Long-term challenges for postsecondary education
Florida’s workforce is poised for disruptive change as automation, artificial intelligence and other innovative technologies take hold in the coming years, accelerated in part due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Shifting demographics as the Baby Boomer generation exits the labor force will also fuel broader changes for the working population.
For God’s Sake: Put God first in a marriage
When this column is printed, my wife and I will have just celebrated our 34th wedding anniversary and I can say after these many years, marriage is great!
We were married three months before I entered full-time ministry. The timing was fortuitous because it quickly became apparent that I wouldn’t be worth spit as a pastor without my wife.
Brian Out Loud
Sometimes I scratch my head when it comes to great athletes that just don’t seem to be getting the recruiting looks that they should be late in their high school careers.
Navarre’s Devin Wright is one of them.
September important month for native plants
The month of September is known as the gateway for a variety of events. Historically, it was the beginning of the school year.
September is an important month for many native plants in Santa Rosa County. This ninth month of the year with its dwindling hours of sun is the time seeds mature and plant growth slows.
For God’s Sake: God is pleased to work through human weakness
One summer, my wife and I vacationed in Newfoundland, where, in addition to trying cod tongues, a disgusting local delicacy, we went on an iceberg cruise.
Local fishermen supplement their income by loading tourists into their boats and deliberately sailing them toward icebergs. Can you say, “Titanic?”
Owner should pay for Tibet Drive repairs
Out and About
There is a lot of dirt being moved in Navarre right now. The Publix at the county line has cleared their lot and new apartment complex, “Elevate Navarre,” started clearing this week.
Also, we have a report in this week’s issue that the new K-8 school, East Bay K-8 is already almost 100 students over projections and more than 80% capacity in their first two months after opening its doors for students. Navarre is growing with or without your permission.