Out and About
I’m on the road a lot between the Milton, Crestview and Navarre offices and I love listening to Podcasts.
I should be able write off my car as a rolling university, but I’m sure the IRS wouldn’t go for that. I recently listened to Chris Wark of ChrisBeatsCancer.com on a podcast that caught my attention because I thought it was about Breast Cancer awareness month.
One in eight
In September 2020, she found a lump in her breast.
She was taking a shower like any other day. She wasn’t examining herself, she just felt it. She immediately burst into to tears because in some ways, this was the day she had been dreading since 1995.
For God’s Sake: Sending back the grammar-checking software
I downloaded grammar-checking software recently, and I am having regrets.
The software scrutinizes everything on my computer screen, and I mean EVERYTHING, highlighting what it deems to be grammatical errors. It is like having someone peering over your shoulder and constantly criticizing your work.
Brian Out Loud
Somewhere in the Volunteer State on a crisp fall morning I can see a scenario where an angler is sitting in his boat and hooks something. It’s a little heavy, so he’s thinking he is about to reel in the largest fish of all time out of the Tennessee River.
And then he realizes it’s just the goalposts that were carried out of Neyland Stadium and into the night by jubilant fans on the third Saturday of October.
Let’s be Clear: Vote NO on Amendment 2!
When a long-time liberal Democrat and a former conservative Florida State Senator agree on a major ballot issue, you should pay attention. This election we will choose a governor, senator, congressmembers and legislators.
We will also be asked to severely weaken our power as citizens to amend our state’s Constitution. Ballot Amendment 2 would eliminate the Constitution Revision Commission (CRC), a once-every-twenty-year citizen’s commission with the ability to put forward Constitutional Amendments on the Ballot.
For God’s Sake: Back in the role of “minister of music”
During the first ten years of full-time ministry, I was best known in the congregation I served as “the minister of music.”
It was not my main responsibility, but it was certainly the most public. I was often asked what I did for a living. People assumed that I must have an outside job since picking a few songs each week couldn’t take very long.
Brian Out Loud
A great cross-country runner is going to get across the finish line of a race in 16-18 minutes.
And when you are talking about postseason races, typically we are talking about the best of the best being involved in the event. Even for the rest of the pack, the race is still over within 30 minutes.
Out and About
If you haven’t registered to vote in the November election, it’s too late.
The registration closed Tuesday, Oct. 11. Locally this election will decide your District 2 commissioner and District 4 commissioner for Santa Rosa County. You will also vote on whether or not you want Holley Navarre Fire District to be able to levy ad valorem taxes instead of the non-ad valorem fee you are currently paying.
Will over development increase flooding?
Brian Out Loud
New York Yankees star Aaron Judge hit his way into baseball history last Tuesday night, crushing home run No. 62 nearly 400 feet in a road game against the Texas Rangers.
No one cares that the Yankees lost the game 3-2. It’s irrelevant for a team that already had its place in the playoffs locked up.