Out and About
Voters choose change for Milton and Santa Rosa County
For God’s Sake: No time for frantic preparation when Jesus returns
Brian Out Loud
For God’s Sake: Attitudes toward Halloween participation vary widely
Brian Out Loud
High stakes and hijinks in District 4 election
Out and About
A big thank you to Bob and Carol Boston for remembering to bring their Navarre Press with them to Navarre, Ohio.
We used to have a lot more entries for “On the Road” with Navarre Press and we use to promote it more. If and when you go to somewhere notable, please bring your Navarre Press and we will put the picture in the paper.
For God’s Sake: God’s will is like a new car
My wife and I just bought a new car. Our old car was making strange sounds that threatened to leave us stranded.
Car purchasing is a rare experience for us because we keep our cars for a long time. This experience was quite pleasant, unlike our first car-buying experience.
Brian Out Loud
We live in a world where the mics are always on, and the cameras are always rolling.
Everything you say or do has the potential to end up on social media in one form or another. It’s not fair, but it’s reality.