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Feb 12, 2015
As a certified playground safety inspector and a Santa Rosa County taxpayer, I am deeply concerned about the safety of the proposed playground. According to, ziplines are dangerous and should only be used in expertly supervised environments. Riders should be provided with an array of safety gear and receive specific instruction on use.

Feb 12, 2015
If you live in Navarre and need to buy a new suit, you have to drive to Pensacola or Fort Walton Beach. Most Navarre residents prefer Pensacola because there are more choices there. If you need furniture of any kind, you’ll have to drive to Pensacola. Shoes? Pensacola. Maternity wear? Pensacola. Baby clothes? Pensacola.

Feb 12, 2015
After the heavy rains in the summer of 2013, I met my newest neighbor Mr. Betty; I had to wear fishing waders to get to his house due to flooding. I introduced myself to Mr. Betty and asked if he needed any help recovering from the 2 inches of water that had invaded his house. He had already started to tear apart the soaked dry wall, and he paused just long enough to say “not unless you know how to work drywall.” I told him I have two hands and am willing to help. We went to work. Since that initial flooding in the summer of 2013, that same house flooded three more times. The last flood brought in more than 4 feet of water.

Feb 5, 2015
To say there was a lot going on this weekend would be an understatement.  

Feb 5, 2015
Florida has the highest communications tax in the nation, so Gov. Rick Scott has good reason to want to cut it. Lawmakers should go along with his proposal but should take care, as Scott did, to leave alone the local portion of the tax, which is essential to cities and counties.

Feb 5, 2015
Flo Assiminas was the first elected treasurer of the Navarre Garden Club when it was organized in 1975. She was a charter member and active in the club for 40 years. Flo was an inspiration to many until she passed away in January.

Jan 29, 2015
Just a few questions here: Why is it my car beeps at me for all kinds of silly reasons (seat belts, lights left on, open door before I turn the car off – when it’s in park!) but it won’t beep at me when I need it to – like when I forget to release the emergency brake?

Jan 29, 2015
How about our soccer teams? Navarre High girls and boys are divisional champions and on the road to state. This is the first time our girls have been named division champs and the second time for our boys. As I write this I’m in a car heading toward Tallahassee where the girls will face Leon. I’ve already made plans to meet them in Melbourne for the state match-up next weekend. The boys are playing Thursday night at home and it would be great if they had a large hometown crowd cheering them on. 

Jan 22, 2015
This Saturday morning is the 2015 Health & Business Expo at the Navarre Conference Center.  There will be local health agencies and businesses that will offer many free health screenings.  It is a great opportunity to meet doctors and health professionals in the area.  Woodlands Medical Specialists will offer free flu shots to the first 25 attendees. There will also be door prizes and a chance to win a 40” LED Smart TV.  Check out the Navarre Beach Chamber’s ad for more details. There will also be a blood mobile at the Health Expo. I’ve been saving my blood – for that very purpose. 

Jan 22, 2015
Congratulations to James Dabney, who was honored with the Spirit of Navarre Award at the annual chamber of commerce gala Friday night.
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