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Letters to the Editor, Opinion

Your safety is at risk

God Bless the one wounded and three dead U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan. This Afghani was vetted for being a terrorist by our military before ever being trained by the same military and given a loaded gun. If the military can’t vet someone for being a terrorist what makes you think our government can when any Sharia Law believing Muslim wants citizenship here? Nothing is perfect or a guarantee. But like those soldiers who turned their backs trusting this unknown Sharia Law killer we are doing the same with every individual let in our country from these Sharia Law Muslim countries. With just 10 Sharia Law believing terrorists among each thousand (just 1 percent) Muslims admitted to our country we face the possibility of 10 terrorist attacks and maybe our death, a family member’s death or our neighbor’s death. The odds of someone dying are better than if you buried 10 12- inch landmines within a 32 ft. by 32 ft. area and waited for someone to walk across it. At some point someone will die. 


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