Lia Wolfe was 16 years old when she almost died by her own hands. On a cold day in February 2013, she felt so alone and isolated that she wrote a suicide note and took action with the intent to never wake up again. Wolfe almost became one of the more than 30,000 people in the United States who kill themselves every year. This is why September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month.
We made a few small changes to this week’s issue but next week – there will be an even more noticeable difference. One difference will be where you will find this page. We are going to move this page to the back of the A section for several reasons one of which is because we are going to have two pages of editorial content. We have had a small debate at the office about our section that starts out with the word “Community.” All of Navarre Press is about our community or news that affects our community, so why have a page that says “Community?” We are still mulling that over. We will be moving a few other pages around and we are going to have a regular “History” page. The page may appear every other week – or every week. Today’s news is tomorrow’s history. However, we have found a source for local history that is a-w-e-s-o-m-e.
The Navarre YMCA wants to help with your New Year’s resolution. Take advantage of their January “Pay the Day” promotion and get a discounted Joiners Fee. Pay the day works by – paying the day. The paper comes out on Jan. 7 – therefore it would only cost you a $7 joiner’s fee. If you wait until tomorrow – it will be $8. That is a great deal – and the YMCA is a great place to work out or take a fitness class. You may want to refer to our articles this week on the Healthy Living Pages 4C and 5C to help get you started healthfully on your new year. We did this with you in mind!
In a harrowing story of sexual assault, Christopher Calamis was arrested Dec. 2 on those charges and more, including felony battery and false imprisonment for an incident that occurred in Fort Walton Beach.
The area of South Santa Rosa County that we call Navarre currently considers the surveying and platting of Guy H. Wyman in 1925 as our beginnings. Navarre Press has further traced one of its earlier forms of existence to a settlement called Eagan.
The $110,000 subsidy that Santa Rosa County officials have voted to pay for-profit Tough Mudder Inc. in return for staging its military style endurance event near Milton next April is far more taxpayer funding than the New York-based company often receives.
Navarre Beach hoteliers are balking at a solicitation by New York-based Tough Mudder Inc. to pay commissions of 15 percent on rooms they book for the scheduled April 9-10 event in Milton.
All women are at a risk for breast cancer and, the older you get, the more that risk increases. How much a person can reduce her own risk depends on the factors at play.