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SAFER expo preaches preparedness, networking

It’s officially the first week of hurricane season, and the Support Alliance For Emergency Readiness (SAFER) wasted no time providing Santa Rosa County residents  with the right information to be as prepared as possible for a disaster.

Inaugural rodeo nets more than just fish

Hundreds of anglers and fishing enthusiasts gathered in Navarre last weekend for the inaugural Navarre Fishing Rodeo. And while the fish were being reeled in, the community was netting an economic and social impact even beyond what organizers had hoped.

Raiders pull out a last second victory in jamboree

The Raider defense allowed 404 yards against Escambia in the first game of the Jamboree. However, they came up big with two turnovers that helped to propel the Raiders to an 18 – 14 come-from-behind win over the Bulldogs in the game played at Crestview on May 24.

Jolly finds joy in gratefulness

Perhaps there has never been a more fitting surname than that of Judith Jolly, whose contagiously-positive attitude is fondly recalled and sorely missed by regular users of the Milton library, where she volunteered for years.  Jolly’s hard work and devotion helped revitalize the genealogy section and fueled the writing of the Heritage of Santa Rosa County book series before her relocation to Dade City, Florida several years ago with her husband, Rev. Lawson Jolly.  During her time as a member of the Genealogy Society of Santa Rosa, Jolly spent countless hours helping locals research their family history without bragging about her own.

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