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Commissioners revisit pier decision, will now take vote

Dorothy Slye described herself as happy following the September 9 Santa Rosa County Commission meeting at which three commissioners decided her company deserves another chance to manage the Navarre Beach Fishing Pier despite that fact that negotiations are currently underway with the top-ranked bidder.

Here’s Looking at You Brad Dillion

The mischievous grin with which Brad Dillion greeted me, I discovered, was a permanent part of his features. Even when revisiting times of strife, he meets the situation with an air of serious wittiness.

Business rescuing Doberman’s across the Gulf

Doberman Pinscher owners often fall madly in love with the breed, known for their superior intelligence, loyalty, obedience and energetic nature.  However, problems sometimes arise because Dobermans are a protective, demanding breed which seeks companionship and needs leadership, and the lack thereof can cause behavioral issues which can be hard to correct.  Subsequently, Dobermans are sometimes surrendered to shelters.

Out and About

Get ready for Navarre’s only 10K!  The 2013 American Cancer Society Man Up 5K/10K is at 4:30 p.m. on September 14 on Navarre Beach.  Runners are encouraged to dress in the lightest blue and/or wear the funniest beard!  There is an after party at Juana’s.  You can register now at  See their ad in this week’s issue for more details.

Apaches imprisoned at Fort Pickens longed to reunite with families

It is widely known that famed Apache warrior Geronimo was imprisoned with other male members of his tribe at Fort Pickens. Many people, however, are unaware that opportunistic residents of Pensacola successfully petitioned to keep the group, which was originally headed to St. Augustine, at Fort Pickens. That change forced the Apache men into a painful separation from their families, who were transported as planned to Fort Marion, where they were held with hundreds of other Apaches as prisoners of war.

Reefs attracting out-of-state divers

Word is spreading throughout the diving community about the Navarre Beach Marine Sanctuary’s artificial reefs.  Over Labor Day weekend, divers from Alabama and Mississippi drove to Navarre to venture out to the Gulf reef, located about 75 yards offshore at the eastern end of Navarre Beach Park.

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