Navarre residents Stephanie and Chris Kadletz are using their experience in marine and zoological sciences to help bring their clients’ aquarium ideas to life.
Ken Gilbert was clinically dead after his heart went into atrial fibrillation at his Navarre home May 7. Luckily, Holley-Navarre firefighters arrived first on scene and their efforts, combined with other local responders, got his heart pumping again.
A former Milton nurse and his girlfriend were arrested last Saturday in connection with neglecting and stealing money from his elderly mother, according to a Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office arrest report.
A traffic stop netted an arrest of a wanted sex offender on September 15 when a vehicle identified as a Chevrolet SUV with Florida tags was stopped by a Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office deputy.
Part of the sidewalk alongside Highway 87 near the intersection of Laredo Street collapsed following the failure of a stormwater drain and the separating of a water line following Monday’s heavy rains.
A total of 2,996 small American flags lined the front lawn around the flag poles at Navarre High School last Wednesday, in remembrance of the 2,996 people that lost their lives in the 9/11 attacks 12 years ago.
To those familiar with the green and slimy plant, seaweed is usually viewed as nothing more than a nuisance during a trip the beach. However, according to a new study, a certain type of seaweed found in Florida waters could have the potential to fight cancer.
Girl Scouts from Troop 850 in Navarre and other troops across the Panhandle are learning valuable lessons and earning money all at the same time through the Fall Product Program, which is currently underway.
Eighth grade students at Woodlawn Beach Middle School are getting a chance to become industry certified before they even reach high school through a new Information Technology Academy launched this year.
While much of the attention has been focused on the topics of the Navarre Beach Pier contract vote and pay raises for county employees, some county business has gone relatively unnoticed lately. However, last week commissioners took several notable actions.