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Search Results for “navarre press

County gives recycler 30 days to fix problems

The founders of West Florida Recycling appeared before commissioners last week, apologizing for and seeking to amend what County Administrator Hunter Walker described as chronic problems. Faced with no other option, the board decided to give the company 30 days to improve operations or face contract termination. In the meantime, county staff will solicit new bids which may or may not be utilized, depending on the company’s progress.

Residents petition grant action

Last week Santa Rosa County Commissioners modified a grant contract for the Navarre East sewer project, reducing the project’s funds and scope of service. Officials described it as a necessary step toward eligibility for the next funding cycle. However, some residents of the subdivision, namely those on the west side of Ridge Road who remain without sewer service, petitioned the move.

First responders pay respect to Big Daddy

First responders, family and friends paid their respects Monday afternoon to Rodney “Big Daddy” Gajewski, a local Lifeguard paramedic who died because of complications from the H1N1 virus.

Water system members cast vote via proxy form

Holley-Navarre Water System elections are approaching, and residents were given the option to turn their vote over to a board director via a proxy form. For those who wish to cast their own vote for possible candidates, voting will be conducted at the HNWS board room Jan. 21 from 7:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.

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