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Kids’ camp focusses on fins and flippers

Even as summer winds down, Navarre Beach Marine Station (NBMSS) summer camps are still in full swing. Kindergartners through second graders last week attended Fins and Flippers. The camp could be described as an introduction to NBMSS.

District targets absenteeism

Nearly 11 percent of Santa Rosa County District School’s 26,584 students had missed around 18 days – or 10 percent of the 2013-2014 school year — by Feb. 26, 2014. District administrator David Johnson aims to reduce those high absentee rates, which put students at risk for dropping out of school.

‘We’re off to the see the wizard …’

The classic movie, “The Wizard of Oz,” celebrates its 75th anniversary later this month, and the Santa Rosa County Library System is celebrating with special programs. The first “Munch with Munchkins” was held Aug. 1 at the Navarre Library and included a viewing of the movie, as well as free popcorn and children’s crafts.

Candidate’s visits prompt questions

Like many other Santa Rosa County residents this campaign season, Norman Stephens was visited by a political candidate. Rob Williamson, who is seeking the District 4 county commission seat, stopped by Stephen’s house in Milton to campaign.

Soundside residents remain against rezoning

A company looking to develop about 185 acres along Soundside Drive invited nearby property owners to an informational meeting July 31 in an effort to alleviate concerns many had expressed prior to the county’s zoning board meeting in June.

Planning, property issues top Gulf Breeze Council agenda

Gulf Breeze has the goal of being “the most livable city in America” by the year 2020. City Council voted Aug. 4 to approve Comprehensive Plan Amendments that are designed to align it with the Master Plan, also known as the “Most Livable City Plan.”

The winners are in!

Only 14.62 percent of Santa Rosa County’s 123,472 voters cast a ballot in Tuesday’s primary election. “That’s extremely low,” said Commissioner Lane Lynchard, a member of the county canvassing board.

Wahoos ready for championship meet

The YMCA end of summer swim team meet was held July 26 at the Betty J. Pullum Family YMCA in Navarre. The meet pitted Navarre`s Wahoos against teams from Washington, Pensacola Navy Youth, Five Flags and Sea Stars. The Wahoos won the meet by a close score. However, the team’s real focus is the area championship being held at the Cecil T. Hunter Pool in Pensacola.

Football camp tackles fundamentals

Navarre Youth Sports Association football players spent a few days last week in Bennett C. Russell Stadium at Navarre High School learning skills and techniques from high school coaches.

Football players, cheerleaders cleaning up

Navarre High School football players and cheerleaders worked for six hours July 26 to clean up the town. Well, not really the town, but dozens and dozens of vehicles that rolled through the business center parking lot just west of Prado Street on Highway 98.

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