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Tough night in Niceville for Navarre Raiders

Terence Marshall was on the cusp of another big catch, the ball coming at him, the heart of hope beating that another crucial play would keep this second-half drive alive and ultimately result in a Navarre touchdown.

It had been a back-and-forth battle with powerhouse Niceville up to this point at Eagle Stadium Friday night, the Raiders and Eagles trading punches in a game that, for one half at least, lived up to the hype.

Navarre Beach Yacht Club still on the water

Despite the lack of a Navarre Pass, Navarre Beach has a significant boating culture. One part of the boating scene along Navarre’s coast is the Navarre Beach Yacht Club.

Founded in 1991, Navarre Beach Yacht Club has been a group of, by and for boaters and boating enthusiasts throughout the years. According to their website, the Navarre Beach Yacht Club’s purpose is to “provide a venue for fun and enjoyment of the members allowing captains to share their boating enthusiasm with people of like-minded attitudes… and latitudes.”

Navarre United Methodist hosting bed building project for those in need

On Nov. 4, a local church will be building beds for those less fortunate.

Navarre United Methodist is partnering with Sleep in Heavenly Peace, a national nonprofit which builds twin sized beds for children ages three to 17 and delivers them fully furnished. From 2012 (the year it was founded) to 2022, Sleep in Heavenly Peace has delivered approximately 140,583 beds. There are 326 chapters of the organization.

Navarre swimmers have strong showing at district meet

Navarre’s swim team had a strong showing at Friday’s District 1-3A meet at the University of West Florida Aquatic Center in Pensacola.

Tyler Lewis had one of the best finishes of the day, finishing as the runner-up in the 500 Freestyle with a time of 5:04.50.

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