Christopher B. Cave, 45, a family medicine physician with White Wilson in Navarre was arrested at 3:48 a.m. Sunday morning on charges of less than 20 grams of marijuana, and drug equipment possession as well as an alleged battery charge. Cave was released after posting bond just before 9 a.m. the same morning.
The South Santa Rosa Utility board of directors didn’t know that a 3- percent surcharge will be imposed on its water and sewer customers until after the Gulf Breeze City Council tentatively approved the levy in August.
The ducks, geese and turtles living in the pond at Navarre Park weren’t threatened by the BP oil spill that polluted the Gulf of Mexico in 2010, but now the financial compensation from that tragedy may eliminate their habitat.
We just enjoyed a beautiful Labor Day weekend in Navarre, and the “official” end of summer. However, that isn’t the case for those of us that live here. One of the best-kept secrets – if there is one anymore – is how beautiful Navarre Beach is during this time of year when most of our visitors have headed home. We are fortunate to be able to enjoy our beautiful water and shores for months after the “official” end of summer. And, if you are a surfer, the season has just begun. This time of year, in tourism lingo, is called, “The Shoulder Season.” This is the time between when the tourists leave and the tourists (Snowbirds) return in December. And – this is the reason that “Beaches to Woodlands” came into existence.
In the wake of disclosure that Santa Rosa County government jobs for student workers aren’t advertised, Human Resources Director DeVann Cook told commissioners that practice has been stopped.
State Rep. Doug Broxson will soon unveil a plan to unite several sewer utilities in Santa Rosa County in an alliance that will request millions of dollars in BP oil spill money to replace residential septic tanks.
The roughly 1,500 Navarre Beach residents eligible for the new $250 cap on their property lease fees who didn’t file by June 30, 2015, as specified by Santa Rosa County Attorney Roy Andrews can still apply and receive the reduced rate retroactively.
Annual payments to Tallahassee lobbyists totaling $60,000 by the City of Gulf Breeze are under scrutiny after council members recently questioned why the money is being spent.
The impartial facade of the screening committee that’s considering applicants to succeed retiring Santa Rosa County Administrator Hunter Walker has an apparent chip.