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October is Breast Cancer Awareness month

A cancer diagnosis at any stage is devastating news.  The questions, concerns and even panic that can set in can throw any life off of a sure path.  In the case of breast cancer, it can affect the sheer essence of who a woman thinks she is.  We have been taught in life that our female body parts are what make us who we are.  And that couldn’t be further from the truth.  Breast cancer survivors will tell you that.

Too fast at any speed

No matter how few drivers exceed the speed limits on residential streets in the city of Gulf Breeze, that’s too many for the volunteer Traffic Calming and Enforcement Committee.

iNKSTAND students reporting for education

Hundreds of students grace the hallways of West Navarre Intermediate School.  And a group of 18 of those students may well be the future journalists of Navarre.  This class, known as iNKSTAND, is reporting the news of WNIS through a digital newsletter under the leadership of teachers Kenny Long and Elizabeth Bauer.

Nichols not aiming to process concealed weapon licenses

County tax collectors around the state of Florida are becoming alternative sites for residents to apply for or renew a state concealed weapon license under the direction of the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.  The legislation to make this all possible was passed in 2014. This unique partnership allows tax collectors to receive applications, take fingerprints and photographs and send the information to the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services to process the request for a concealed weapon license.

Public information officer to return to Escambia County

When Santa Rosa County Public Information Officer, Joy Tsubooka, left Escambia County eight years ago as a communication specialist, she was one of four other specialists. When she returns in November, she will be supervising as the community and media relations division manager.

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