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USDA approves chicken from China

After a back-and-forth years long trade and tariff war between the United States and China regarding beef , pork and chicken, the USDA in 2013 approved frozen chickens being shipped from the U.S., Chile and Canada to China for processing and returned to the U.S. in soups and nuggets.

Tough Mudder waffling on promotion promise

Despite being given $80,000 in Santa Rosa taxpayer money as an incentive to stage its military-style obstacle course near Milton, Tough Mudder Inc. is apparently reneging on its contractual agreement to host a pre-event party.

Fracking bill fails despite Gaetz’s support

The push for a Florida law that would overthrow local authority to limit the controversial method of drilling for oil and natural gas after injecting chemicals underground to fracture rock formations has failed despite backing by Northwest Florida legislators.

The Story of a lifetime

An 86-year-old resident of Navarre, Maj. Robert M. Fletcher Sr., has seen more of the world than most people could see in two lifetimes. Fletcher served his county honorably in the United States Air Force for an exciting and adventurous 25 years; years of active duty which included tours in both the Korean and Vietnam wars. He has lived an incredible and fruitful life.


The resurrection-focused film “Risen,”directed by Kevin Reynolds hit theaters Feb. 19 of this year. According to the film-information website Box Office Mojo, the production budget from the Sony-owned production company Affirm Films sat at a solid $20 million for the film. With fierce competition in the theaters from other films such as “Deadpool” however, “Risen”only  garnered about $12.5 million in the box office in the film’s opening weekend. One of the larger budgeted religious films since ‘Passion of the Christ” in 2004, this film appears to be representative of a growing favoritism toward faith-based films in Hollywood.

Water Department arson story

That was your best raw-reporting that I remember reading. It was accurate and showed the background of the Water System and how it relates today. At a minimum, the culture still exists through the proxy ballot and the administrator providing free health care (premiums and deductibles) for all the employees and their families. There still seems to be a lack of control between the administrator and board. God only know the back-door deals and the jobs still given via the good-old-boy system.

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