The Navarre Beach Sea Turtle Conservation Center took its show on the road this July for SharkCon 2024, held at the Florida State Fairgrounds in Tampa.
Navarre Primary Care, led by Family Nurse Practitioner, Sherrie Koenigseder, is redefining healthcare in the Navarre community by blending traditional medicine with functional medicine. This unique approach ensures that patients receive comprehensive care that focuses on the whole person, not just the disease.
The new pastor at First United Methodist Church of Milton might be a familiar face to some in the Navarre community.
The Rev. Dan Morris, 66, began leading the church on July 1. He has spent 44 years in ministry as a pastor and from 2006 to 2011, served as the lead pastor of Navarre United Methodist Church. Currently, Morris’ son, David, is the lead pastor at Navarre UMC.
The number of single-family homes for sale in Navarre continues to rise, but the number of homes sold continues to fall, according to numbers from FloridaRealtors and SunStats.
The Navarre Beach Lifeguards recently celebrated the end of the fourth year of the Junior Lifeguard program. Throughout this summer, the Junior Lifeguard program saw 90 people, ages nine to 15, come to the beach for lessons on water safety, surfing skills and first aid.
Last week, Rep. Dr. Joel Rudman said that the U.S. Air Force and local and regional governments are moving closer to making a Hurlburt Field bypass road a reality.
State Rep. Dr. Joel Rudman wants a non-binding referendum on the ballot in November regarding Navarre incorporation.
Rudman, who spoke during public forum at the July 8 meeting, said there are numerous ways for the pro-incorporation group, Preserve Navarre, to take a straw poll. However, he believes doing it on an official ballot is the fairest way to both sides.
When Navarre Beach Fire Rescue District named the winner of its t-shirt design contest, Erin Harshfield wasn’t expecting her daughter’s name to be announced.