The county’s commitment to cleaning up Santa Rosa Sound where unhealthy levels of bacteria have been discovered will include pursuing the sources of that pollution, commissioners have declared.
We have a new retail store in Navarre at Palm Harbour Plaza across from Publix – Wave Outfitters. They are a family owned company that has been open about a month. Their grand opening is this Saturday from 11 a.m. until 7 p.m. with food and prizes. Wave Outfitters carry a lot of brands that you would normally have to drive 30 or more miles down the road to find. One brand I like is TASC because it is made from Cellulose bamboo fibers. I’m not sure how – but it is a great-feeling fabric. Outfitters also have Pelagic, Southern Marsh, Southern Tide, Kavu and more. They also have SUP boards. See the story about the family’s move from Georgia and more on Page A3.
Navarre Beach residents have long complained about being required to pay both Santa Rosa County ad valorem taxes along with their property lease fees. But some haven’t paid the latter for years.
This week we say goodbye to our newfound and reluctant reporter Jon Crider who is leaving us for medical school at the University of Mississippi. We tried to talk him out of it, but his response was perfect, of course. He said they haven’t discovered a cure for cancer yet and there was important research being pursued on other diseases. So, he is going to have to leave us for the greater good of all mankind – or something like that. I believe, if he really wanted to follow his heart, and money was no object, that he would stay. However – I know neither to be true, so he is physically leaving the area. However… (to be read dot, dot, dot) he is still writing one more story and it is going to be a-w-e-s-o-m-e when that story is ready for prime time. In fact, it might actually be good enough for prime time – in a TV movie special. Do they still do those?
Sensing voter resistance to a new county courthouse in Milton, the business community group that supports an additional Santa Rosa sales-tax plans to promote only the Aug. 30 ballot measure about paying for other infrastructure.
Although City of Gulf Breeze leaders are considering the excuses made recently by Tiger Point Golf Club’s managing tenant for the facility’s deteriorated fairways and greens, they have hired a landscape architect to scrutinize conditions there.
Although influential Florida Sen. Don Gaetz maintained a cautious public position as the City of Gulf Breeze pushed for more compensation for right of way to build the new Pensacola Bay Bridge, behind the scenes he advocated for the municipality’s quest.
The sometimes contentious relationship between Navarre Beach pier manager Coastal Concessions and county commissioners appears amicable for now and the panel is poised to extend the company’s contract.