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Brian Out Loud

Summer flew by like a cross-country runner sprinting hard to the finish line. That means only one thing.

It’s time for another season of high school sports.

Classroom library availability different school to school, says Santa Rosa District Schools

There are several hundreds of thousands of books in Santa Rosa District Schools, according to Ruth Witter, the district’s coordinator of libraries. Over the past year, the school district has been working to review and vet books available to students in accordance with several laws passed in the past two years by the Florida state legislature.

Out and About

Have you noticed that the Weather Channel has turned into the town crier touting that the end is near? I noticed recently that the Weather Channel started naming all the winter storms.

However, when I looked it up, they apparently decided to start naming winter storms in 2012. We used to just have named hurricanes but that wasn’t enough.

The truth is our currency

We ran this editorial in our March 17, 2022, issue shortly after purchasing the Santa Rosa Press Gazette, and it is a message that needs to be told again.

With all the city and county messes happening in Santa Rosa County, you can be assured we will be there for the good and the bad.

Arrest made in Jernigan murder

Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s deputies arrested Robert Patrick Jernigan, 53, of Milton, Thursday night in connection with the murder of Stephen Lee Jernigan.

CERT among organizations out at Senior Center

The Navarre Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) and the Emerald Coast Amateur Radio Association (ECARA) will no longer be meeting at the Holley Navarre Senior Center.

In fact, it appears that organizations not directly affiliated with the Senior Center will not be able to hold meetings or events there.

Out and About

A new restaurant in Navarre is on the horizon where the old Helen Back Pizza used to be. The restaurant chain Fatboys has announced they expect to open later this year. They are well known for their burgers, wings and more. You can read all about it on our Business page (4A).

Bistro 98 closes, future of site uncertain

Bistro 98, a popular breakfast and brunch restaurant in Midway, has shut its doors.

According to Jennifer Telfer, a former employee of Bistro 98, staff were informed of the decision Monday, June 19. The staff found out via a messaging app.

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