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January 2023, year in review

Navarre rings in new year with Penguin Plunge

The tradition continued for the 14th year at Juana’s for the Penguin Plunge ‘n Paddle on Navarre Beach. The event benefited Healing Paws for Warriors for the fourth consecutive year. The plunge drew 500 registrants and 18 people participating in the paddleboard event.

Aydelott hearing set for January 4

It has been 10 years since William Brandon Aydelott confessed to the brutal murder of his mother. He is scheduled for a hearing to be released from the state hospital Chattahootchee on January 4.

Ahead of county meetings, Town Center developer says project ‘good for the people’

“A visionary.”

That’s how Navarre businessman and developer Robert “Bob” Benaquis describes himself. And what’s his vision? A place in Navarre for residents to shop, dine and play all within a walkable space. Benaquis hopes the creation of a town center can keep locals from going to places like Pensacola or Destin, where there are more amenities.

Commissioners approve lease amendment for beach RV Park

Late into the special zoning board meeting Thursday night, Santa Rosa County Commissioners voted 3-2 to approve an amendment to Santa Rosa Development’s lease to allow an RV Park on the beach. Commissioner Sam Parker, Colten Wright and James Calkins voted in favor of the amendment, and Commissioners Kerry Smith and Ray Eddington opposed.

Spanevelo plea hearing continued to January 2024

The ex-boyfriend of Cassie Carli, the woman who was found in a shallow grave in Springville, Alabama, will have his day in court in January 2024. Marcus Spanevelo, 36, is facing the charge of abuse of a corpse.

Under Alabama law, a person commits the crime of abuse of a corpse if they knowingly treat a human corpse in a way that would “outrage ordinary family sensibilities.” The abuse of a corpse charge carries a prison sentence of up to 10 years if a conviction is obtained.

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