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Commissioner R. Williamson, you sir are the knucklehead

Navarre Press frequently receives letters to the editor and we print them.  It is a chance for citizens of Navarre and Santa Rosa County to speak their mind – about whatever is on their mind. Letters to the editor are also part of our mission statement – to be a voice for the voiceless.  It is often a way for someone to express opinions; and the great thing about an opinion is it is neither right nor wrong.  As constituents, the residents of this county are charged with making their opinions known so that their representatives can make informed decisions on behalf of the people who put them in office.  As a newspaper, we are charged with holding the elected officials accountable and to also let them know we are watching.  It’s not “gotcha journalism” – it’s ensuring that everyone follows the rules and that our taxpayer dollars are guarded and spent thoughtfully and wisely. 

Out and About

“Spotlight” winning best picture this week at the Oscars is a testament to the hard work of local investigative reporting that should be occurring everywhere. We know we are committed to the calling of investigative journalism at Navarre Press. If you see people squirming after a story it’s because we have hit a nerve. And, we saw them squirm on social media this week. We appreciate investigative journalism and feel it is our responsibility even though it involves a lot of time and effort – and we get a lot of grief. However, we are very responsible with the information we gather. We have been told on several occasions that we uncovered more than the subjects of our articles even knew themselves.

Out and About

This Friday, the Pensacola Ice Flyers will be playing the Louisiana Icegators at Home.   Santa will be there and you are asked to wear your ugliest Christmas sweater.  Don’t forget, if you are a Navarre Press All Access subscriber, we have tickets for you!  We also have tickets for this weekend to the Pensacola Little Theater for the showing of “White Christmas.”  Last weekend we had tickets to the Pensacola Children’s Chorus and a Sinfonia Concert in Destin with a Broadway star. It really pays to be “All Access.”

Out and About

We are introducing something new to the paper this week. We have a first-person story by our Copy Editor, Carmen Reynolds. This is in an effort to introduce our staff to our readers on subjects we think are of interest to you. People forget real people work at Navarre Press. We are human and have many of the same cares, interests and responsibilities as many of you. Your neighbors work here; our children went to or are attending the same schools; we worship together; play together; and we all care about Navarre and our community.

Northwest Florida Haunts

As Halloween approaches, Navarre Press would like to share with you some of the best local haunts and their stories.  NOTE: Not all of these locations are open to the public. Trespassing on private grounds is a crime punishable by law. Furthermore, vandalism of any kind is also a crime. Destroying or defacing a cemetery is considered a felony, and conviction of such crimes can carry fines in the range of $5000 and/or five years in jail. Before visiting any of these sites, check to make sure they are open to the public. If they are not, obtain permission and notify the authorities before visiting.

Tourist tax glitch scrutinized

Some inaccurate figures on Santa Rosa County tourist bed tax collections were corrected on the county’s website last week soon after the Navarre Press questioned them.

Offended by the offenders list?

In this week’s issue of Navarre Press, you will find a spread with photos, names and addresses of sexual offenders and predators registered in Navarre and Gulf Breeze.  We have published this every year, and a majority of our readers let us know they appreciate us printing the information.  A couple of people have told us that they pull the pages out of the paper and keep it for reference.

Out and About

We were very saddened to learn of the two airmen who died in a training accident and we hope to have more about their lives in the next issue of Navarre Press. We found out that Tech Sgt. Marty B. Bettelyoun lived in Holley By The Sea with his wife and five children.

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