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Photo of the Day

Happy Saturday Navarre!
We love when people take pictures with their articles.
Today’s Photo of the Day features Kaden Cortello with his proud brother Cameron. Go pick up a copy of Navarre Press today and read Kaden’s story on the front of our Community section.

Photo of the Day

Happy Sunday Navarre! Waves will reach 2-3 feet this afternoon and air temp is expected to reach 61 degrees, so go hit up the beach. 🌊
Also, to anyone with a photo of a surfer, your picture could be in our next edition of Navarre Press! Email your photo and name to
Today’s Photo of the Day was taken by Melissa Johnson.

Out and About

Although my editor just shared with me that a recent survey indicated that each Floridians drank an average of 813 alcoholic beverages in 2020, this week’s Navarre Press has a lot more to do with drinking water.

However, it is related because we need good drinking water to make alcoholic beverages.

Reyes named 2020 Person of the Year

More than 70,000 people live in the Navarre area, but Robert Reyes stands out. The owner of a well-loved restaurant called Stripes and a U.S. Air Force veteran with 23 years of service, Reyes loves to put others first.

Reyes was nominated by multiple citizens and was selected to be the Navarre Press 2020 Person of the Year.

People to watch in 2021

There’s can be only Navarre Press 2020 Person of the Year, but many others made a significant difference to the community this year, which lead to them being nominated for the distinction.

Here are the nominations for other residents worth watching in the months to come.

Letters to Editor

The Navarre Press asked readers to tell us what they are thankful for this year. Here’s a sampling of our favorites.

‘I am grateful for many things’

That my youngest daughter graduated college (ceremony and all) in December, before the lockdowns.
That despite having to cancel a trip to NYC (with my daughters) and a dream trip to Italy (birthplace of my grandparents), that our family was lucky enough to have gone to Alaska and France the last two years. Great trips.

Out and About

Tonight is the first free concert in the Tunes by the Dunes concert series at Navarre Beach Park’s Sand Crab Pavilion, just east of the Navarre Beach Fishing Pier. The concert series is Co-hosted by Okaloosa Gas District, Navarre Press, Santa Rosa County Tourist Development Office, Navarre Beach Area Chamber and Cat Country 98.7. The summer concert series will offer an exciting line-up of 14 FREE outdoor concerts every Thursday (7-9 p.m.), from May 31 to Aug. 30.

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