A construction crane working on a sign on the side of Highway 98 across from Navarre Park struck a power line on Monday, creating two small explosions, a small fire and turning out the power to a large area of Navarre.
The mustache is back in fashion and gaining some momentum — at least for a month. November is “grow time” for several area men who will be giving their razors a break this month to participate in Movember, a campaign that raises awareness for prostate and testicular cancer, as well as mental health issues.
The skies might have been grey, but Navarre was showered in pink on Saturday as Navarre Park was transformed into a festival atmosphere for the inaugural ThinK PinK NavarrE event.
The Navarre Raiders’ four-game winning streak was snapped last Friday as the Niceville Eagles’ defense dominated host Navarre in a 26-0 rout Friday at Bennett C. Russell Stadium. The loss also snapped a string of three straight wins for Navarre (4-3) against its Okaloosa County rival.
Navarre Urgent Care has relocated just a few yards away from their previous location, now sharing an office with Dr. Wayne Burnett of First Class MD in the Fountain Professional Centre.