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Some like it hot, Navarre likes it spicy

Navarre likes its chili spicy, extra spicy if possible. That’s what you would’ve discovered if you were among the 75 locals armed with small Styrofoam cups and plastic spoons at the 21st annual Charity Chili Cook-Off hosted at Juana’s Pagoda’s Sunday, Oct. 19.

Lionfish spotted at Navarre Beach reef

A predatory lionfish was recently spotted in the Gulf of Mexico at the Navarre Beach reef. Now the county plans to permit spearfishing at Navarre Beach Marine Park in an effort to eradicate the invasive species – which packs additional punch with its venomous spines.

Navarre sign

Bill Engvall is famous for his signature “Here’s your sign” routine that features anecdotes about stupid questions with obvious answers. Navarre residents can better relate to that routine now with the addition of the “Welcome to Navarre” sign installed Sept. 30 on Highway 87 near the abandoned Pure gas station.

Navarre Soccer Player Commits to Faulkner University

Catherine Baccarini, a local Navarre soccer player, committed to Faulkner University out of Montgomery, AL earlier this week.  Catherine first visited Faulkner last September and instantly made a connection with the coach, the program and the school.  “I spent the entire day at the campus, ate dinner with the players and practiced with the team.  I liked everything about the school and really liked the coach and team.  One of the biggest things for me was that it was a Christian School and it wasn’t too big”, she related.  Catherine has been playing travel soccer since she was 7 years old and has played for the semi pro under 20 team in the W League, the Alabama state Olympic Development Program team and currently plays for the Gulf Coast Texans out of Pensacola. 

Momentum Navarre launches with 298 attendees

“We’re not your Grandma’s church,” said lead pastor Tim Payne as he welcomed 298 people to the Navarre launch of Momentum Church at Navarre High School. “We remove roadblocks so people who are far from God don’t have to go over speed bumps or hurdles to get to God.”

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