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Letters to the Editor, Opinion

Pay tribute to our fallen on Memorial Day

Memorial Day is widely heralded as the unofficial start of summer.  Here on the Emerald Coast it signals the beginning of our busy tourist season, with condos booked, hotel rooms rented, beach supplies at the ready, and the mouth-watering aroma of food being cooked on a grill.  This time of year is unmistakable and really puts us in the celebratory mood.  But before you celebrate, and there will be time for that on this Memorial Day, before the cookouts, beach parties and other events you have planned, take a moment to reflect on the many lives that have been sacrificed so willingly by our selfless men and women in uniform.  This day is about remembrance and honor for those who have died.  It certainly doesn’t mean you can’t have fun on Memorial Day or enjoy your three- or four-day weekend.   Just take a moment to pause and remember the reason for the occasion.


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