Out and About

We are ready for the new board to have a full board, after replacing Daryl Lynchard, which I’m told they will talk about in their next meeting. Then we can get to the business at hand. For starters – what is the real reason for the proposed rate increases over the next four years?
The Navarre Beach Area Chamber announced their annual award winners this past week. We have an entire page dedicated to the winners on page 1B. Chair Bridget House of Everything Palms turned over the gavel to incoming chair Andrew Rowe, of Synovus Bank. Bridget was an awesome chair and we are looking forward to 2025 with Andrew at the helm.
We found a 1964 set of municipal codes from the City of Crestview and there were fun and funny things to read in it. But one of the ordinances struck a chord with me – wishing things were still like this: “Whoever within the corporate limits of the city, imports, prints, publishes, sells or distributes any book, pamphlet, ballad, printed paper or other thing containing obscene language or any obscene prints, figures, pictures or descriptions manifestly tending to the corruption of the morals of you, or introduces into any family, school or place of education (such material) shall be punished as provided in section 1-8.” There was a time when parents were careful about what entered the ears and eyes of little ones. That doesn’t seem to exist anymore – we expect our children to be grownups and know what is right and wrong without being taught. Parents need to parent, not be friends. My children thought I was the meanest mom in Navarre, and I was happy to have that title. I knew where they were at all times, I knew who they were with, they didn’t spend time, much less overnight in the homes of anyone unless I knew the parents very, very well. I also monitored computers, no phones or screens in the bedroom at night, internet was turned off when they got home from school, no television on weeknights unless I was there to supervise. Also, I didn’t drop them off at school dances – I went in with them. One time, it was so dark in the gym (NYSA) I made my daughter leave – and she wasn’t happy about it. I think she actually said she hated me…but she got over it and then called her friend who was still there and told her she should leave too. The best thing we ever did as parents is take them to church and teach the Bible at home. It is tough to be a parent, especially if you are trying to find approval through your kids. However, it is a lot easier later when they are responsible adults, and you are able to say to yourself that you like them and would hang out with them – even if they weren’t your children. And, of course, it wasn’t all wonderful when they were growing up – we all make bad decisions, including me. One person once told me some good advice, you can’t take too much credit or too much blame, they are their own people, when referencing parents and their children.
Quote of the Week: “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 ESV