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Opinion, Out and About

Out and About

| Sandi Kemp
Looks like there is no shame and nothing is off limits ahead of our presidential election. The Democratic candidate, Kamala Harris, and her proxies are calling the other candidate, Donald Trump, Hitler and those that might want to vote for him white supremacists, even those that are obviously not white. The rhetoric is very dangerous, and I am appalled at the depths of depravity the democratic party is willing to go to in an attempt to sway the election their way. You always know when someone doesn’t have anything substantive to say – they start saying things like, Hitler.  I don’t know what is worse, how about Satan or Beelzebub. That is next. Wait, they have already done it. The have been spreading rumors that Donald Trump is probably the Anti-Christ.

Did you hear a collective gasp at the end of last week when the Washington Post (WAPO) decided not to endorse a presidential candidate?  It was the first time in 30-years that they hadn’t endorsed a presidential candidate. In a statement on Friday, Will Lewis, the newspaper’s publisher and chief executive officer said, “We are returning to our roots of not endorsing presidential candidates,” less than two weeks before the 2024 presidential election.

“So much for ‘Democracy Dies in Darkness,’” said Susan Rice, the former US ambassador to the United Nations referring to the newspaper’s official slogan, adopted in 2017 under Amazon founder Jeff Bezos’s ownership. “This is the most hypocritical, chicken-s*** move from a publication that is supposed to hold people in power to account,” Rice concluded.

I have to disagree. I would like to say it was a very brave move. Newspapers should be reporting the news and should not be telling their readers who to vote for. Hopefully, a newspaper such as the WAPO has been reporting unbiased news over the years and their readers can come to their own conclusions. According to NPR, the WAPO has lost more than 200,000 subscribers due to their non-endorsement and a few of their “reporters” have resigned. I wouldn’t hire any of the reporters that resigned.

There is voter manipulation already going on. Friday, a federal judge ordered Virginia to restore the registration of 1,600 people on the voter rolls who were removed because they identified themselves as non-citizens.

And in California, Governor Gavin Newsom signed Senate Bill 1174 into law on Sept. 29, 2024. prohibiting local governments from requiring voters to present identification when casting their ballots at the polls.

I heard one of the reasons the Democratic party has no shame and has pulled out all the stops is because if Trump is elected, the Epstein client list and video footage could be released. I was wondering out loud why the Justice Department wouldn’t just destroy it now if they were worried about names on the list. I received an answer from someone in the crowd. They want to use the list as blackmail for the people on the list…so they can’t destroy it. The scariest thought is that this is our United States Justice Department that is potentially playing games with crime scene evidence.

And that isn’t the only scary thing going on in our country. I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again (or write it) – Some say it is all falling apart, but perhaps, it is falling together.

Bottomline, get out to vote!  Early voting is going on right now – 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. including weekends.

Bold hearted men are always called mean spirited by cowards.  Charles Spurgeon (1934-1892)  English Particular Baptist preacher


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