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| Sandi Kemp
If you are not an All Access member to Navarre Press – you are missing the boat – well really, you are missing some pretty amazing concerts and plays, hockey games and any other events we have tickets to. Right now, our All Access subscribers are enjoying tickets to Pensacola Little Theater’s Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat starting Jan. 26 or Sinfonia Gulf Coast’s next performance of Sybarite5  Jan. 26. Hard decision to make but either one will no doubt make for a great evening. Visit for more details on the show. Our All Access subscribers can also get tickets to the Pensacola Ice Flyers. Call Navarre Press at 939-8040 to start your subscription. Even if you are in the middle of a basic subscription now, we will extend your subscription for a year and start your All-Access benefits today!


The remainder of this article is available only for our website subscribers, who help fund our mission of keeping you updated on news you want and need to know. You can become a subscriber for as little as $5.67 a month.


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