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Out and About

| Sandi Kemp
Just when you think you have seen it all, you haven’t. I know a lot of our readers aren’t on Facebook 24/7 like our District 4 County Commissioner. Some of you learned about Rob Williamson’s midnight raid on the sign for the first time in last week’s issue. A lot has happened since then. RW continues to plead his case on the internet and had an email campaign directed  to the county commissioners before Monday’s regularly scheduled county commission meeting. The very meeting where RW could have brought up his new found emotional connection to the former sign. An emotional connection that he did not have before he was swayed by a few on Facebook. As you will read in this issue, he was chided by his fellow county commissioners and I applaud them for that. However, I don’t personally believe it went far enough. We cannot trust a chairman that is led by emotions. Emotions are fleeting and not to be relied upon. And, you make bad decisions when you are led by your emotions. Such as, “I don’t know what came over me.” Or “It was in the heat of the moment.”


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