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Out and About

| Sandi Kemp
If the sign fiasco wasn’t so serious it would be funny. I had texts from all over the country from people that use to live here asking if Navarre could just get a life. Maybe, this is the first you have heard of it, if you aren’t on social media. I think my 23-year-old daughter said it best, “Why do people think that Facebook is real?” Why would a county commissioner take a sign down based on the emotions of people on Facebook and then post “Done” like it is an official means of communication?”  We all know Facebook is fake. I’ve seen couples live what seem like fairy tale lives on Facebook and then the next thing I know, they are filing for divorce. Facebook is where the truth goes to die. People think they can say things about other people without impunity. Some people look at Facebook all day long and depending what is on Facebook will determine the outcome of their day. Obvious that was the case, unfortunately, for Rob Williamson.


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