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Out and About

| Sandi Kemp
We are feeling very parental at Navarre Press. We love seeing our “children” that we watched grow up go out into the world and do something good or great. I know there are more out there that we never hear about, but we keep our ears to the ground. We could use your ears too.  And, all that to say – WOW! It was fun to watch Jordan Leggett on just about every play last night in Tampa during the Championship Game. Our sports guy would have kept up with every move he made except he was at a Raider soccer game.  And, I have a lot of friends that are Alabama fans but I’m sure they would admit that it made losing a little bit bearable knowing that one of the Clemson players that made it happen was Navarre’s own Jordan Leggett. We are beaming with pride here at Navarre Press and we hope you are too.


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